
Enquiry for Service

* Fields are compulsory.
* Name :
Phone :
example : 000-0000-0000
* Email :
* Enquiry for Which Service :
1) Analytical :

Waste water analysis
Drinking water analysis
Hazardous waste sampling and analysis
Ambient air quality sampling and analysis
RPM, SPM, SO2, NO2 at the stacks, ambient and industrial areas Soil analysis
Waste suitability studies
Soil suitability studies

2) Technical :

Hazardous waste management
Municipal soil waste
Effluent and waste water handling as per discharge standards
Bio medical waste management and handling
C & D waste management
Solution spillage prevention
Produce water
Lake cleaning/ Lake remediation

3) Environmental Audit :

- Training :
Filling up form as per hazardas waste management and andling rules
hazardas waste management and handling
ISO(9001:2001, 14000:2000) certification

- Approval :
Preavention and submission of appication for consent to establish/ consent to operate/ renewal of consent/ consent amendment
Follow up with the state pollution control board and securing consent to establish/ consent to operate
Assistant in filling other appication and obtaining the necessary approvals to commence operation
Designing, constuction, errection, commissioning, operation and mainteance of effluent treatment plants/sewage treatment plants
Need based designing of ETP/STP/CETP
Constuction, errection, commissioning, operation and mainteance of the plant on BOOT and turnkey basis
O & M of already constructed ETP/STP/CETP
Constructed for the better performance of the running ETP/STP/CETP
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